Thursday 14 June 2012

Hipsters. Love them or hate them, they are definitely here to stay; at least until they realise that there are only so many ugly knitted jumpers to go around. I am kind of on the outer when it comes to hipsterdom, I think I missed the moment when moustaches became cool and not just a relic of the Magnum PI days. This is not to say that I am not a hipster fan, on the contrary, I am glad that boob tubes are no longer in fashion, and I definitely agree with their whole bike riding philosophy, for both physical and environmental benefits. But I think it will be a long time before I begin to wear lenseless glasses and ‘ironic’ cowboy shirts. I should also confess now that my favourite time passing game on campus is to play ‘hipster or just badly dressed’. Judgemental I know, but I often find myself wondering if that person is wearing that aquamarine sweater with a cartoon figure from the 90’s to be ironic, or if it’s washing day and they couldn’t find much else. Rather than finish on such cynicism, I have compiled a bunch of links and what not, that together form my ‘Ode to Hipsters’. You can decide on the level of irony present.

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